Generate Installment Schedule of Customer Invoice

Some industries will have a process where they want to generate installment schedule for the customer invoice. Let's say the company would like to split the payment schedule for an invoice into :

  • 1st Payment: 10% of the total invoice and due at the end of the month of the invoice date
  • 2nd Payment: 60% of the total invoice and due to 3 months after the 1st Payment
  • 3rd Payment: 30% of the total invoice and due to 6 months after the 1st Payment

AX has the "payment schedule" feature that can help user to split the due date and amount of the invoices into schedule. This feature has already been available since version 4.0 

Below steps are the steps in AX standard to cover above scenario (AX 2012 is used for below steps):

  • Setup Payment Schedule (Accounts Receivable > Setup > Payment > Payment Schedules

  • To apply the payment schedule to customer invoice, open the settle open transactions form, and run the "transaction reorganising" function. This step will apply only for the posted invoices.

  • Change the due date manually. There is no automation process on this step yet.

Hope this helps.


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